We launched Cotton Business Cards back in 2017 and haven't looked back since. But one thing that has changed is our supply chain. So to keep giving you the cotton you love, we've adapted.
Our Cotton Business Cards are now created with a new process. They’re still 100% tree-free and 100% recyclable, but are now made from cotton linters (the fuzz around the seed). These short fibers mean the Cotton is soft but strong – and there's no bleaching needed.
The cards weigh 110lb (17pt), are uncoated, naturally bright white and subtly textured.
To make our Cotton paper, all the pulp & raw materials used are sustainably sourced and all of the electricity used in the paper manufacturing operation is matched with Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) from Green-e certified windpower projects.
The cards look and feel the same – you won't notice the difference. They even use less energy and material to make than before.
You can order them here.